Read this before you over-invest in the latest tech platform, decide to lease rather than buy that new computer, or expect to resell your smartwatc ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et ille ridens: Video, inquit, quid agas; Ita relinquet duas, de quibus etiam atque etiam consideret. Inquit, dasne adolescenti veniam? Illum mallem levares, quo optimum atque humanissimum virum, Cn.
Paulum, cum regem Persem captum adduceret, eodem flumine invectio? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Levatio igitur vitiorum magna fit in iis, qui habent ad virtutem progressionis aliquantum. Ex ea difficultate illae fallaciloquae, ut ait Accius, malitiae natae sunt. Qui-vere falsone, quaerere mittimus-dicitur oculis se privasse; Rapior illuc, revocat autem Antiochus, nec est praeterea, quem audiamus.
Nam Pyrrho, Aristo, Erillus iam diu abiecti. Illa argumenta propria videamus, cur omnia sint paria peccata. Quas enim kakaw Graeci appellant, vitia malo quam malitias nominare. Legimus tamen Diogenem, Antipatrum, Mnesarchum, Panaetium, multos alios in primisque familiarem nostrum Posidonium. Quae cum magnifice primo dici viderentur, considerata minus probabantur. Hic quoque suus est de summoque bono dissentiens dici vere Peripateticus non potest. Quid affers, cur Thorius, cur Caius Postumius, cur omnium horum magister, Orata, non iucundissime vixerit?
- Consider leasing tech.
A common application of Moore’s Law for many individuals and ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis est, qui non oderit libidinosam, protervam adolescentiam? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quodsi ipsam honestatem undique pertectam atque absolutam. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Laelius clamores sofòw ille so lebat Edere compellans gumias ex ordine nostros.
Summus dolor plures dies manere non potest? Quam ob rem tandem, inquit, non satisfacit? Quippe: habes enim a rhetoribus; Qui autem de summo bono dissentit de tota philosophiae ratione dissentit. Ut nemo dubitet, eorum omnia officia quo spectare, quid sequi, quid fugere debeant? Quae tamen a te agetur non melior, quam illae sunt, quas interdum optines. Gloriosa ostentatio in constituendo summo bono.
Quam ob rem tandem, inquit, non satisfacit? Est autem a te semper dictum nec gaudere quemquam nisi propter corpus nec dolere. Cum salvum esse flentes sui respondissent, rogavit essentne fusi hostes. Quae animi affectio suum cuique tribuens atque hanc, quam dico. Quid igitur dubitamus in tota eius natura quaerere quid sit effectum? Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Roges enim Aristonem, bonane ei videantur haec: vacuitas doloris, divitiae, valitudo; Occultum facinus esse potuerit, gaudebit; Torquatus, is qui consul cum Cn. Sed ego in hoc resisto;
Moore’s Law is not a law in a scientific sense, more an observation and predictive mental model. To that end, some have argued that it is self-fulfilling, with companies feeling the need to keep up with Moore’s law — though that seems like less of a limitation and more of a complement.
Causal relationships aside, many argue that Moore’s Law is coming to its end because of the challenges to build smaller circuits, as the amount of energy needed to cool down the transistors will become larger than the amount of energy already passing through the transistor.
However, that has been a point of debate when taking Moore’s Law as a loose definition of exponential growth. While computers won’t necessarily improve in the ways Moore originally referenced, advancements in cloud computing, quantum physics and the internet of things are likely to create other forms or rapid development.
Your USB stick vs Apollo 11 mainframe computer.
It’s not just your smartphone that is more powerful than the old supercomputers, this ZME Science article notes that even a USB stick or WiFi router is technically more powerful than the 1969 mainframe computers used to guide the first rocket to the moon.
The reducing cost of technology.
Jerrold Siegel from the University of Missouri, notes in this article that: “A computer chip that contained 2,000 transistors and cost $1,000 in 1970, $500 in 1972, $250 in 1974, and $0.97 in 1990 costs less than $0.02 to manufacture today A personal computer that cost $3,000 in 1990, $1,500 in 1992, and $750 in 1994 would now cost about $5.”
Moore’s law is a model used to understand the rapid development of technology.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave Moore’s law into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Compounding: to understand the exponential growth element of Moore’s law.
- Red queen effect: understanding the pace of movement in the broader industry.
Complementary models:
- Zawinski’s law: in understanding expectations for faster development of broad solutions.
- Opportunity cost: to consider the alternative costs of commiting to technology solutions without a view to their potential obsolescence in the medium term.
- The Lindy effect: perhaps a counter to the wisdom that past time can predict future longevity.
This law was inspired by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and CEO of Intel. He made the observation in 1965 when he projected the rate of growth for another decade and has expressed surprise at how long the phenomena has persisted.
Find out more in Moore's Law: The Life of Gordon Moore, Silicon Valley's Quiet Revolutionary by Arnold Thackray, David Brock, and Rachel Jones.
Also, consider whether some have been too quick to claim that Moore’s law is dead by viewing this in-depth opinion piece in Venture Beat.
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