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Features vs Benefits
Features vs Benefits
Features vs Benefits
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Which of the following options are more effective? 'ModelThinkers is a growing collection of the big ideas from the big disciplines ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nihil enim iam habes, quod ad corpus referas; Cur tantas regiones barbarorum pedibus obiit, tot maria transmisit? Te enim iudicem aequum puto, modo quae dicat ille bene noris. A quibus propter discendi cupiditatem videmus ultimas terras esse peragratas. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

Ex quo intellegitur officium medium quiddam esse, quod neque in bonis ponatur neque in contrariis. Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. Utinam quidem dicerent alium alio beatiorem! Iam ruinas videres. Laelius clamores sofòw ille so lebat Edere compellans gumias ex ordine nostros. Sed utrum hortandus es nobis, Luci, inquit, an etiam tua sponte propensus es? Expressa vero in iis aetatibus, quae iam confirmatae sunt.

Illi enim inter se dissentiunt. Varietates autem iniurasque fortunae facile veteres philosophorum praeceptis instituta vita superabat. Quae cum praeponunt, ut sit aliqua rerum selectio, naturam videntur sequi; Color egregius, integra valitudo, summa gratia, vita denique conferta voluptatum omnium varietate. Verum esto: verbum ipsum voluptatis non habet dignitatem, nec nos fortasse intellegimus. Igitur neque stultorum quisquam beatus neque sapientium non beatus.

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Actionable Takeaways
  • Understand how you currently describe your offer

Do you currently list features or benefits in your mark ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. At cum de plurimis eadem dicit, tum certe de maximis. Sin autem eos non probabat, quid attinuit cum iis, quibuscum re concinebat, verbis discrepare? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Vestri haec verecundius, illi fortasse constantius.

Atqui reperies, inquit, in hoc quidem pertinacem; Ut in voluptate sit, qui epuletur, in dolore, qui torqueatur. Quae autem natura suae primae institutionis oblita est? Quamvis enim depravatae non sint, pravae tamen esse possunt. An vero displicuit ea, quae tributa est animi virtutibus tanta praestantia? Cur igitur, inquam, res tam dissimiles eodem nomine appellas?

Cur id non ita fit? Quod quidem iam fit etiam in Academia. Quae cum dixisset paulumque institisset, Quid est? Minime vero, inquit ille, consentit. Iam id ipsum absurdum, maximum malum neglegi. Et nemo nimium beatus est; Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Sed nonne merninisti licere mihi ista probare, quae sunt a te dicta?


There are many variables to take into consideration when choosing between features and benefits to market your product: product type, market saturation, competition, the focus on customer relationship or on solving a customer’s problem, and so on. While leading with benefits is normally the correct play, there are exceptions, particularly for a highly informed consumer or highly competitive and consistent market.

Another limitation of this approach is the inherent risk of targeting benefits. A feature can potentially be interpreted by different audience segments with different needs — so several groups might find relevance and appeal in a feature. 

By contrast, a benefit tends to be a targeted message that can exclude as many people as it targets. This relates to the key takeaway of market research and understanding your audience. 

In Practice

Slack - killing meetings. 

Slack is now being challenged by Teams and other competitors but for a time was one of the fastest-growing platform solutions in the world. Rather than focusing on features, their marketing messages highlighted specific data on how companies who adopted their solution reduced emails and meetings — two huge pain points in the corporate world. 

iPod - 1,000s of songs. 

When iPods launched they famously avoided ads which emphasised their (at the time) impressive storage capacity. Instead, they focused on the opportunity to have ‘thousands of songs in your pocket’.

Unboxing videos

By contrast to the examples above, the growing popularity of unboxing videos on Youtube reflects an appetite for feature-focused discussions for some products.

Build your latticework
This model will help you to:

Features vs benefits is a fundamental mental model in the field of marketing and communication. It can be used more broadly to influence and explain value in any context. 

Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave features vs benefits into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above. 

Connected models: 

  • Cost-benefit analysis: in establishing the actual value for a customer or target group.
  • Opportunity cost: in establishing the next best value. 
  • Value proposition: providing clear benefits to customers. 
  • Personas: to fully understand your customers. 

Complementary models: 

  • Inversion: consider how to deliver pain or make a problem worse to test out the real value of a benefit.
  • The golden circle: identify the ‘why’ behind the features to solve underlying value-driven problems.
  • Red queen effect: competing on features alone is considered to be a ‘race to the bottom’, as it focuses on value and features. Benefits can provide a broader, sometimes emotional connection with new market opportunities.
  • Lock-in effect: how to reduce attrition by delivering on benefits. 
  • Diversification: testing whether a specific product feature can fulfil multiple benefits from diverse audience segments. 
  • The BCG growth-share matrix: when considering marketing and market share.
  • The 4Ps of marketing: when developing a marketing strategy.
  • A/B testing: to test hypotheses about possible benefits and marketing language.
Origins & Resources

The Features vs Benefits mental model has been a cornerstone of marketing conversations for decades. There are many useful articles in this space, we particularly enjoyed this one from Vappingo which outlines over 100 examples of features vs benefits.

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