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Addition by Subtraction
Addition by Subtraction
Addition by Subtraction
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Commonly used in art and sport, but just as relevant for product design, UX, architecture, entrepreneurship, personal development, and al ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non alienum est, quo facilius vis verbi intellegatur, rationem huius verbi faciendi Zenonis exponere. Sed eum qui audiebant, quoad poterant, defendebant sententiam suam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

Deque his rebus satis multa in nostris de re publica libris sunt dicta a Laelio. Qui autem de summo bono dissentit de tota philosophiae ratione dissentit. Quod quidem iam fit etiam in Academia. Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit.

Quid censes in Latino fore? Maximas vero virtutes iacere omnis necesse est voluptate dominante. Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. Quo modo autem philosophus loquitur? Quando enim Socrates, qui parens philosophiae iure dici potest, quicquam tale fecit? Nihil illinc huc pervenit. Quamquam id quidem licebit iis existimare, qui legerint.

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Whether you’re facing a pro ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quae quo sunt excelsiores, eo dant clariora indicia naturae. Claudii libidini, qui tum erat summo ne imperio, dederetur. Quid de Platone aut de Democrito loquar? Cur ipse Pythagoras et Aegyptum lustravit et Persarum magos adiit? Quo plebiscito decreta a senatu est consuli quaestio Cn. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Aliter enim nosmet ipsos nosse non possumus.

Quid in isto egregio tuo officio et tanta fide-sic enim existimo-ad corpus refers? Cur iustitia laudatur? Summus dolor plures dies manere non potest? Est enim effectrix multarum et magnarum voluptatum.

Et si turpitudinem fugimus in statu et motu corporis, quid est cur pulchritudinem non sequamur? Sed id ne cogitari quidem potest quale sit, ut non repugnet ipsum sibi. Quos quidem tibi studiose et diligenter tractandos magnopere censeo. Bork Graece donan, Latine voluptatem vocant. ALIO MODO.


Addition by Subtraction is a useful concept but obviously will not always apply. Some things are simply complicated and will require greater investment or inputs. Some things can not just be reduced to create more value. Sometimes more, might actually be the answer. 

For example, in this cost-cutting environment for business, it's tempting to assume that this concept just means cutting back on staff. However, another option might involve investing more in sales and marketing or investing to change a product line to better engage with a shifting market. 

In Practice


Apple’s removal of the iPhone’s physical keyboard can be seen as an example of delivering new value with less apparent product.  

Atlassian’s no-jerk policy. 

When software company Atlassian wanted to improve the output of their developers, one of the initiatives they took was to apply a ‘no jerk’ policy. This involved exiting talented but arrogant developers who they believed were holding their respective teams back. 

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Origins & Resources

As noted in the main summary, Addition by Subtraction has been around in many forms, for many years, and we could not attribute it to one prime thinker. 

Some notable advocates include artist Donald Judd, a leader of the minimalist art movement; the architect Mies Van der Rohe who argued that ‘less is more’ as a key proponent of modernist architecture; Warren Buffett who applies it in his approach to investing, and even Steve Jobs whose focus on a streamlined Apple business model is sometimes cited as his clear prioritisation approach. 


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