Ever feel like you're missing out on something? Well, you are. As American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald put it: "Our lives a ... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et quod est munus, quod opus sapientiae? Qui-vere falsone, quaerere mittimus-dicitur oculis se privasse; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Ergo hoc quidem apparet, nos ad agendum esse natos. Primum quid tu dicis breve? Itaque quantum adiit periculum! ad honestatem enim illum omnem conatum suum referebat, non ad voluptatem. Neque solum ea communia, verum etiam paria esse dixerunt. Quae cum magnifice primo dici viderentur, considerata minus probabantur. Quamquam te quidem video minime esse deterritum. Est autem officium, quod ita factum est, ut eius facti probabilis ratio reddi possit. Quorum sine causa fieri nihil putandum est. Quos nisi redarguimus, omnis virtus, omne decus, omnis vera laus deserenda est. Ut id aliis narrare gestiant? Sit hoc ultimum bonorum, quod nunc a me defenditur; Si de re disceptari oportet, nulla mihi tecum, Cato, potest esse dissensio. Sed vobis voluptatum perceptarum recordatio vitam beatam facit, et quidem corpore perceptarum. Sed erat aequius Triarium aliquid de dissensione nostra iudicare.
- Ask: ‘what else could I be doing with this time/money and what would that give me?’
As ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Equidem etiam Epicurum, in physicis quidem, Democriteum puto. Unum nescio, quo modo possit, si luxuriosus sit, finitas cupiditates habere. Quem Tiberina descensio festo illo die tanto gaudio affecit, quanto L. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. At enim, qua in vita est aliquid mali, ea beata esse non potest.
Itaque eos id agere, ut a se dolores, morbos, debilitates repellant. Aliter enim nosmet ipsos nosse non possumus. Qui non moveatur et offensione turpitudinis et comprobatione honestatis? Vide, ne etiam menses! nisi forte eum dicis, qui, simul atque arripuit, interficit. Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere. An me, inquis, tam amentem putas, ut apud imperitos isto modo loquar?
Tum ille timide vel potius verecunde: Facio, inquit. Sed ille, ut dixi, vitiose. Quicquid porro animo cernimus, id omne oritur a sensibus; Nunc de hominis summo bono quaeritur; Quo modo autem optimum, si bonum praeterea nullum est? Sullae consulatum? Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere. Quis non odit sordidos, vanos, leves, futtiles?
Opportunity Costs are difficult to calculate, especially when they relate to non-financial considerations. Focusing on Opportunity Costs might also a risk of ‘analysis paralysis’ arising from fear of making the incorrect choice. Finally, assessing Opportunity Costsaccurately is not always practical for every decision, all the time.
Even ‘saving’ has a cost.
Saving money in a bank account with a defined interest rate has an opportunity cost of the lost returns from an alternative venture that you might have invested in.
Benjamin Franklin: ‘Time is money’.
Franklin coined the term ‘time is money’ which can be viewed as another example of opportunity cost. In 1974 he wrote “Remember that Time is Money. He that can earn Ten Shillings a Day by his Labour, and goes abroad, or sits idle one half of that Day, tho’ he spends but Sixpence during his Diversion or Idleness, ought not to reckon That the only Expense; he has really spent or rather thrown away Five Shillings besides.”
What about dinner?
If you are considering buying pizza or asian food for dinner tonight, then finally decide on pizza. The opportunity cost is the asian food that you did not choose.
Opportunity cost is a key mental model in decision making, economics and creating efficiencies.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave opportunity cost into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Sunk cost fallacy: when considering past decisions and ‘cutting losses’ moving forward.
- Cost-benefit analysis: in deciding on a course of action.
- BATNA: in considering the best alternative.
- Second order thinking: considering the implications beyond the immediate.
- A/B testing: to weigh up potential opportunity costs.
- Regret minimisation framework: a decision process that imagines the long term opportunity cost of inaction.
- TANSTAAFL: linked to ‘There ain't no such thing as a free lunch’ mental model
Complementary models:
- Compounding: considering the opportunity cost of small consistent investments over extended periods of time.
- Inversion: considering the cost of doing nothing.
- Blue ocean strategy: considering new areas of exploration rather than highly competitive areas.
Opportunity Costs was first introduced as an economics concept by David L. Green in 1984, in his article: Pain cost and opportunity cost. It appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Its origin is also linked to TANSTAAFL (There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch) in 19th century America in saloons.
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